Online & in-person coaching classes for 1-1 or small groups of 2-6

Turn sound memory into muscle memory: Physically locate the correct part of your mouth, lips, teeth, tongue & air flow, to make surprisingly fast progress!

Discover the phonemic chart by Adrian Underhill, and make rapid progress through the guidance and physical instructions of Harry Bose, an experienced English Coach.

This enjoyable method of muscle memory over sound memory allows you to then practice alone in the knowledge that you are creating the correct sound, in the correct part of your mouth.

There are particular sounds that are difficult to make, depending on your mother tongue. German-speakers tend to muddle up F, V, W / S, Z, & both types of TH. When you know HOW to create the sound, you will immediately be able to sound more like a native.

Regardless of your level of spoken English, this insight and awareness will undoubtedly improve your pronunciation!