Online & in-person coaching classes for 1-1 or small groups of 2-6
Within a supportive and positive environment: boost your mood and your courage to actually use the language.
Children tend to learn like sponges and not fear mistakes. We lose that wonderful ability the older we get. Fear of being embarrassed; losing the respect of our peers; not pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones… all traits that hold us back when learning or using a foreign language.
WELLSPOKEN knows exactly what it’s like to be an adult with a certain intelligence, sense of humour and confidence in a mother tongue, and how scary, painful and frustrating it can be when that personality is not translated easily into a foreign language.
Fear not! Harry Bose is a coach who excels in boosting confidence, embracing mistakes from which to learn, and offers personalised ideas, methods and tips to help you actually start using English.
This also applies to those who can speak English well, but have a fear of public speaking or anxiety of giving presentations.